Just got back from a Gottman Institute training in Seattle and I learned so much to help out couples and families. The training focused on teaching the workshops, Bringing Baby Home and The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work. I am excited to be able to bring back such valuable information! We go to so many classes before a baby is born…birth class, breastfeeding, baby care and many others. All of those classes are important and adding this class to the list is crucial. Bringing Baby Home focuses on strengthening the couples’ relationship so you have a solid foundation when baby comes home. In a previous blog, I talked about the research that found 67% of couples have a decrease in marital satisfaction after baby is born. That statistic came from Gottman research and he is the creator of these workshops. The workshop teaches skills that will make the transition from couple to family smoother. The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work is another workshop that can help relationships build a solid foundation. This workshop focuses on relationships with or without children. Gottman has researched couples for decades and his research revealed that there are “masters” and “disasters” of relationships. By using the 7 Principles, you can work on becoming a master or strengthen your master skills. The foundation of these skills is building a friendship with your significant other. I will be offering the workshops beginning in the summer.